Model HAC-10K
Model HBLC10V-B
Password to get in is available to buyer
Cracked screen
The smaller of the 2 has a cracked screen.
64 GB
Mfr 7/9/22
Was used in Airport's Admin office. Working well.
Has cell phone activation capability. Was used in Airport's Admin office. Working well.
VIN# 1YVFP80C735M32956, mileage 198259, starts with a jump, runs, moves forward & backwards, $125 key fee
VIN# 2T1BR12E02C524724, mileage 159878, starts with a jump, runs, moves forward & backwards, $125 key fee
VIN # KNAGD124315093154, 226,930 miles, starts with a jump, runs, moves forward & backwards, $50 key fee